(Episodes are in order of airdate)
Thank you to Brady fans: Alyssa Albarella, Suzanne Baciocco, Jolynn Bales, Laura Nachman, Naomi Perry, Jennifer Williams Niemczyk & Wendy Veasey for taking the time to help in watching all the episodes to verify the below listed Bloopers. Because of their hardwork and dedication, fans can now watch the episodes in a whole new way.
SEASON 1 (1969-1970)
#1 The Honeymoon |
11:33 |
We see Tiger in the car outside Carol's parents' home with the winodw of the car slightly open. Tiger puts his paw on the arm of the door as though he is going to use the remote to open the window (and magically it opens). Only problem, you can see the window crank handle in the shot, which means no remote.
#2 Dear Libby |
At the end after Carol and Mike tell each other in the den they didn’t write the letter, Mike is wearing jeans and a red shirt, Carol a lavender color dress. Immediately following, in the next scene, Mike has on dress pants, shirt and a tie, Carol has on a tan skirt, brown shirt, and a scarf.
#3 Eenie, Meenie, Mommy, Daddy |
2:30 |
At the beginning of the show when in the girls' bedroom, you can see a tiny bit of flower wallpaper to the right of the closet on the wall behind the girls' beds.
5:47 |
Starting here, and for the remainder of the show, all shots in the girls' bedroom shows the wall behind the beds as being just pink paint, only wallpaper to the left of the closet, but not on the right side. (The wall next to the bathroom is always wallpapered. Additionally, starting with the 8th episode all walls in the girls' room are wallpapered.)
#4 Alice Doesn't Live Here Anymore |
No known Bloopers
#5 Katchoo |
24:35 |
The shadow (supposedly of the window frame) on the headboard of Jan's bed changes from one shot to the next within a few seconds.
#6 A Clubhouse Is Not A Home |
No known Bloopers
#7 Kitty Karry All is Missing |
18:10 |
As Bobby empties his pockets in search of his kazoo, he piles the contents on a nearby table. In a long shot, several of the toys (most noticeably a green plastic paddle) disappear, only to reappear when Cindy is leaving the room.
19:20 |
In the scene where Bobby walks into the family room and plays with the toy elephant, Cindy walks out and he discovers his Kazoo is missing. After Mike give has his talk with Bobby & Cindy, they leave and in walks Carol stating "I've searched the house again and no doll and no Kazoo". How did she know about the Kazoo and how did they search the whole house within 2 minutes?
#8 A Camping We Will Go |
18:13 |
The tents appear very small from the outside, but much larger when seen from the inside.
#9 Sorry Right Number |
No known Bloopers
#10 Every Boy Does It Once |
No known Bloopers
#11 Vote for Brady |
No known Bloopers
#12 The Voice of Christmas |
No known Bloopers
#13 Is There a Doctor in the House |
16:33 |
When Carol and Mike are bringing stacked lunch trays upstairs to the kids, the milk glasses on the middle and bottom trays that Carol's holding switch to the opposite sides twice, in the wideshots and closeup.
17:40 |
Then when Carol picks up the girls' stacked trays, the glass of OJ is on the bottom tray (after Peter's reaction to broccoli, it looks as if the OJ glass is gone), then as Carol walks into their room the OJ is now on the middle tray again.
#14 Father of the Year |
10:35 |
Marcia is writing a letter about Mike to the newspaper for the Father of the Year contest. While she is in the middle of writing it, she gets mad and you can clearly see she crumples up the paper and throws it in the wastebasket. One scene later, she has a change of heart, takes the crumpled paper out of the wastebasket and finishes the letter and mails it.
15:06 |
Later, in the scene where Hamilton Samuels, publisher of the newspaper, is reading Marcia's letter, he has the original letter in his hand and then puts it down. You can see that the paper is not crumpled, as it should be.
#15 54-40 & Fight |
1:32 |
When Alice enters the kitchen you can see the ironing board from the doorway. (4:05) When she is giving Tiger a bath, the ironing board has moved to the wall that cannot be seen from the doorway.
17:45 |
Jan's hairstyle keeps changing from with and without a pony tail during the House of Cards.
19:41 |
The kids build a house of cards, which Tiger then knocks over. They must have used some adhesive, when the house falls down, a few cards remain standing.
#16 Mike's Horrorscope |
No known Bloopers
#17 The Undergraduate |
10:19 |
Carol and Bobby are in the kitchen. Bobby has just come home from school and goes for the cookie jar. Watch when he grabs it and when it is in his hand. You can clearly see that the jar is almost empty. But then when he sets it down on the table and the camera swings back to him, you can see that the cookie jar is stuffed with chocolate chip cookies.
#18 Tiger, Tiger |
4:19 |
In a close-up of Mike's hands as he his undoing his seatbelt, he isn't wearing his wedding ring. (5:27) In subsequent shots the ring can be seen.
#19 The Big Sprain |
5:54 |
Marcia and Jan are mad at each other about doing all the work, and Jan exclaims, "I'm not gonna wash all these dishes, I won't live that long!" (11:47) In a later scene, Carol is taking care of their aunt, calls home and Mike is in the kitchen with the kids making dinner. As soon as he picks up the phone, the kids start arguing and making all this commotion. But listen closely to the background while Mike is on the phone. You can hear Jan saying the same thing over and over and over again, the same thing that she said earlier about the dishes.
4:35 |
Jan enters Alice's bedroom to check on her. She tells her about the little accident where the washer is overflowing and that suds are all over and need to be cleaned up, as well as the clothes just washed away. Later, when Mr. Brady comes into Alice's bedroom, the door is open behind him which is clearly the laundry room with ironing board and utility sink and laundry soap. If the washer had overflowed, where Peter had to clean up the water in the dining room, there is no doubt it would have been flooded in Alice's bedroom too.
9:22 |
The amount and position of the soapsuds on Jan's shirt changes from shot to shot.
14:13 |
Look over Alice's head while she is in bed and we can see the shadow of the stage light.
#20 Brace Yourself |
No known Bloopers
#21 The Hero |
1:52 |
Peter rescues a little girl from a collapsing shelving unit at the toy store. When the case falls over, you can clearly see a thin, white rope yanking the red shelves from the wall.
#22 The Possible Dream |
No known Bloopers
#23 To Move or Not to Move |
9:12 |
The first evening of weird noises, after dinner, Carol is wearing a blouse with a red polka dots.
11:25 |
Later in the evening, she's wearing an outfit with a light blue top, which she is still wearing the next morning at breakfast with Mike, and into the next evening when they hear weird noises again.
#24 The Grass is Always Greener |
19:51 |
Mike and Carol switch parenting roles for the day and Mike is in the kitchen helping Marcia receive her cooking badge. He ends up making a big mess and has to clean up the kitchen. He washes the dishes and then mops the floor with Alice watching him. He is turned facing her as she is standing behind him by the sink. The next thing that happens is that Mike slips on the mop water and falls to the floor, facing the living room. Yet, when Alice asks if he is alright, he turns his head the wrong way to answer her.
#25 Lost Locket, Found Locket |
20:29 |
Jan puts her bathrobe on, flipping all of her hair behind her back. But in the next shot, some of her hair is over her left shoulder.
SEASON 2 (1970-1971)
#26 The Dropout |
8:60 |
In the beginning of the episode, when Mike is with Don Drysdale, he is wearing a green shirt and jeans. The next day, in the carport with Greg and Peter, he is in the same outfit.
10:37 |
However, on what is suppose to be Day #2, Mike is shown in his study wearing a blue t-shirt. The same one that Don Drysdale was seen wearing the day before.
14:59 20:25 |
Carol is wearing a green and white dress. The next day, she is still in the sama dress.
#27 The Babysitters |
No known Bloopers
#28 The Slumber Caper |
3:54 |
Before school, Mike asks the boys to help with the sleeping bags. Greg is wearing a yelow plaid shirt/gray slacks. Peter has on a rust shirt/gray slacks, Bobby is wearing blue stipe shirt/dark blue slacks.
5:51 |
After school, while the girls are still dressed the same, all the boys have on different cloths. Greg is now wearing, white small plaid shirt and jeans, Peter is wearing yellow/white stripe shirt and jeans, Bobby is wearing green/blue plaid shirt and jeans.
14:34 |
Jan's hair is down |
14:25 |
Then her hair is pulled back. |
#29 The Un-underground Movie |
18:05 |
When Peter kept wanting "snow", and finally got the cue for snow, it wouldn't come out. You can see that they pasted a white piece of paper over the holes on the inside of the box so the flakes would become "stuck". You can see the paper when he turns over the box.
18:35 |
Bobby spills popcorn on the floor and then it disappears. |
20:14 |
During the filming of Greg's movie, Mike is in the stockade when Peter dumps the box of "snow". When the family sits to watch the film, Mike has been released from the stockade by Carol before the snow is dumped.
#30 Going, Going, Steady |
No known Bloopers
#31 Call Me Irresponsible |
5:24 |
While at the newstand, Greg has on brown paid shirt. He mentions he will be back tomorrow if he gets the job. Cut to Greg at home, finding out he got the job, he is wearing a green plaid shirt.
14:42 |
Marica is talking to Greg, says she talked Randy, "yesterday". Greg cuts her off and assumes that Marica told Randy he was fired. This was the day Greg was fired, so Marica couldn't have told her that "yesterday".
#32 The Treasure of Sierra Avenue |
No known Bloopers
#33 A Fistful of Reasons |
21:10 |
Cindy's notebooks keep changing in number and color (Yellow to Orange) during Peter's confrontation with Buddy. Cindy is holding the tongue twister book, that you see through out this scene. The cover is orange, the back is yellow. What you see is the book being held differently. When you see the book as orange, you also see a blue book in her hand. When it is yellow, you just see that one book. This flipping around of the book happens 9 times in about two minutes!!
#34 The Not-So-Ugly Duckling |
3:30 |
When Jan comes home and tells her parents that Clark didn't notice her, she is wearing the same cloths as the day before when Clark was visiting. (White shirt with flowers and red ribbon in her hair.)
3:57 |
She then goes upstairs and accuses Marcia of stealing her boyfriend. She is wearing a green striped shirt and a light green hair ribbon.
6:12 |
Then Jan talks to Greg. She is wearing a green t-shirt and a dark green hair ribbon.
8:03 |
Later, when Jan gets permission to go to the store, she is back in the green striped shirt and light green hair ribbon.
#35 The Tattletale |
12:44 |
When Cindy goes downstairs to ask, "Isn't anyone coming up to say goodnight?" or something similar she is wearing her pajamas. She then gets in trouble and goes straight back up to her room and she is suddenly dressed in jeans and a top - her hair has different hair-ties too. Immediatly after the scene upstairs, we see Cindy sitting by the front door, in the same outfit as she was wearing upstairs. It is clearly a different day.
#36 What Goes Up.. |
8:49 |
When Bobby attempts to climb the treehouse for the second time, we see him with two more wooden steps to go to the top. Then there is a camera shot, that is suppose to be Bobby's view, it shows four more steps.
18:16 |
It can be tough to keep actors' and characters' names straight in the heat of the moment. When Peter hops up on the trampoline, Florence Henderson cheers, "Go get 'em, Chris!" A bit later, Greg lets an "Eve" slip intead of "Jan".
#37 Confessions, Confessions |
2:01 |
When the vase gets broken, it's easy to see that one large piece flies off the chest of drawers onto the floor. But when the boys look down at the broken vase from upstairs, three pieces are on top of the chest of drawers. When they get downstairs and decide to fix it, Greg says, "It's only three pieces". So what happened to the piece that fell onto the floor?
10:06 |
In the scene when the reassembled vase springs a leak at dinner, Alice jokes, "Anyone got three coins for the fountain?" It is a low-angled shot. Look over their heads and you can see the rigging of the studio, above the walls of the kitchen.
24:12 |
The vase broken by the ball is obviously not the same one dropped by Carol at the end of the episode. The first one was thicker and darker.
#38 The Impractical Joker |
No known Bloopers
#39 Where There's Smoke |
6:15 |
Greg in living room talking with Carol. He is wearing a gold plaid shirt with brown slacks. He then goes to the study to talk to Mike, there he is wearing a blue plaid shirt with blue slacks.
8:25 |
Marica is wearing a red jumper with a floral shirt. She later goes to the study to talk to her parents. There she is wearing a peach t-shirt and jeans.
17:23 |
The next day, after school in the backyard with Bobby, Greg is in brown slacks and a white shirt with a small plaid pattern. Then in the family room with the girls, he is wearing the same outfit he had on the day before, when he was in the study with Mike.
#40 Will the Real Jan Brady Please Stand Up |
7:42 |
When Jan comes home from buying her wig, she comes through the front door. If you look outside the door the scenery is not the usual painting of a tree but a really weird painting that has nothing to do with a yard, but of tree branches.
#41 The Drummer Boy |
No known Bloopers
#42 The Coming Out Party |
No known Bloopers
#43 Our Son, the Man |
2:19 |
Greg comes crashing through the kitchen door while Alice and Carol are putting away the groceries. Alice is standing behind the door and has a carton full of a dozen eggs that she is holding onto. What happens next is what you expect, the eggs crack all over the front of Alice. Watch closely! You should notice that the front of Alice's shirt is clean after that happens! There should be egg all over her, but as she takes the egg carton away from her, you can tell that there is nothing there. You never see an egg crack. There is no broken egg mess, anywhere.
#44 The Liberation of Marcia Brady |
2:20 |
While Marcia is being asked questions by a reporter. The reporter says, "Tell me Marcia, do you have any brothers?" Then Marcia replies, "Yes sir, three."
4:37 |
Later, when she and the boys are in the Family Room watching the interview, Marcia says, "Yes sir, I HAVE three." The line changes!
#45 Lights Out |
2:22 |
When Jan and Cindy are in their bedroom you can see Jan mouthing Cindy's lines.
12:50 |
Later, in the scene where Jan, Peter, and Cindy (then Bobby) are in the garage playing with Peter's magic box, again most of the time you can see Jan mouthing everyone's lines.
#46 The Winner |
17:54 |
When Mike and Carol drive Bobby to the TV show for the ice cream eating contest they leave in the blue convertible. (22:13) They return home in the brown station wagon.
19:56 |
The host of the show takes the spoons away from the contestants, then tells the kids to put their hands behind their backs. Before they do so a close-up shot of Bobby shows him holding the spoon which he had already turned in.
#47 Double Parked |
No known Bloopers
#48 Alice's September Song |
No known Bloopers
#49 Tell It Like It Is |
The day Carol meets with Mr. Delefield, she is wearing a green dress, Marcia, a jumper, and Jan and Cindy in dresses. Later in that same day, Carol is talking to the girls in that same green dress, but all three girls are in completely different outfits.
SEASON 3 (1971-1972)
#35 Ghost Town (1/3) |
14:06 |
When Zaccariah steals the last piece of fried chicken off the plate, the plate is left completely clean, yet when Alice goes to get the piece a few seconds later, there's a sizable grease stain on the plate.
19:39 |
While in the Ghosttown, the old prospector locks all of the Bradys and Alice in the jail cell and drives off in their car. Mike has a key hanging out of his pocket, so how did the Prospector drive away.
#51 Grand Canyon or Bust (2/3) |
No known Bloopers
#52 The Brady Braves (3/3) |
23:31 |
The Bradys leave their campground at the Grand Canyon and the station wagon is pulling a pop-up trailer and the roof rack is filled with camping gear. As they drive alongside the canyon for one last look the trailer and gear disappear (23:43) and then reappears next scene (24:18).
#53 The Wheeler-Dealer |
No known Bloopers
#54 My Sister, Benedict Arnold |
18:04 |
When Kathy Lawrence enters the Brady home, she walks through the kitchen, her top button is unbuttoned. When she is in the living room cheering, it is buttoned. (18:44)
#55 The Personality Kid |
11:54 |
When Peter comes down to answer the phone, he's wearing a blue shirt. When he hangs up the phone, his shirt color changes to a light red/pink color. Then back to blue again.
#56 Juliet is the Sun |
1:18 |
At the start of the episode, in the exterior shot when Jan and Peter rush through the patio door Jan doesn't have a ribbon in her hair, but in the interior shot suddenly there is a long red yarn ribbon in Jan's hair.
#57 And Now a Word from Our Sponsor |
No known Bloopers
#58 The Private Ear |
14:50 |
When Greg and Marcia are taping the fake message for Peter, Greg says, "Bang, he buckles down and brings home an A."
16:18 |
But when Peter listens to the message a minute later, Greg's statement is now "Bang, he brings home an A."
24:59 |
The microphone next to the tape recorder moves from one shot to the next.
#59 Her Sister's Shadow |
No known Bloopers
#60 Click |
7:07 |
The football diagram that Greg draws on the chalkboard changes from shot to shot.
23:09 |
In the photo of the football reception, the enlarged photo is not from the original. The receiver's legs are in a different position.
#61 Getting Davy Jones |
23:41 |
When Marcia is sitting on the couch talking with Davy, the small beige pillow behind her is either up on the back of the couch or much further down depending on the shot.
#62 The Not-So Rose Colored Glasses |
** |
In the middle of the episode, a boxy gold station wagon is pulling into the Brady's driveway, which immediately cuts to a shot of a rounder body style, gold station wagon pulling up to the carport.
#63 The Teeter-Totter Caper |
No known Bloopers
#64 Big, Little Man |
** |
When Greg runs into the girls' bedroom to rescue Bobby from the window ledge, there's a black stuffed animal sitting in the middle of the bed nearest the door. After Greg pulls Bobby into the room, the stuffed animal is at the head of the bed.
#60 Dough Re Mi |
No known Bloopers
#66 Jan's Aunt Jenny |
** |
The kids are in a circle on the living room floor. They are spaced well apart from each other in some shots, but right next to each other in others. In particular, notice Greg and Marcia, and Bobby and Cindy.
#67 The Big Bet |
** |
When Bobby comes in through the sliding glass door, the curtain breezes through the frame you will notice there is no glass in the sliding glass door.
#68 The Power of the Press |
** |
The book in Jan's arms keeps changing. First the front is facing outward, then the back, then the front again.
10:01 |
The book Peter's classmate is holding rotates between shots.
#69 Sergeant Emma |
24:48 |
At the end of the show when Alice is blowing the whistle, the whole family comes to the top of the stairs. Mike says "Alice, it's 6 o'clock in the morning" Watch his mouth. It looks as though he curses and the (curse) word was dubbed out.
#70 Cindy Brady, Lady |
12:17 |
At nightfall, Marcia and Jan run to answer the phone, and then call Cindy to the phone telling her its her secret admirer. Mike is standing up to the right, then the shot slightly pans to the left as Cindy runs to the phone. In the next shot, Mike is sitting down comfortably next to Carol. Its unlikely Mike could of sat down in those few seconds from where he was standing.
21:19 |
Cindy sticks her tongue out and makes an exasperated face after handing Alice the flowers. (In interviews, Susan Olsen has said that she had thought that it was a rehearsal take.)
#71 My Fair Opponent |
2:55 |
Marcia tells her parents that they nominated a girl named Patty to run against Molly Weber.
7:49 |
Later, when Molly is sitting in Marcia's room and they are talking about the contest, Molly calls her opponent "Sally".
12:42 |
But then once again, in another scene, Marcia says "Patty"!
#72 The Fender Bender |
1:05 |
At the start of the episode there's a wide shot of the house exterior as the Brady's station wagon is pulling into their driveway, and the wagon has wooden side paneling, but in the next closeup the paneling is gone. Plus the rear-end damage does not exist in the first wide shot, which is the point of this episode.
21:57 |
While they're in the courtroom, Carol is standing beside Harry Duggan in front of the whiteboard, the small red car on the board keeps changing from being straight to slanted, depending on the camera angle.
22:47 |
In the court session Cindy says Bobby spilt ice-cream all over her dress. But at the beginning of the episode (1:30) when Cindy got home following the accident, she wasn't wearing a dress or have ice-cream on her.
SEASON 4 (1972-1973)
#73 Hawaii Bound (1/3) |
No known Bloopers
#74 Pass the Tabu (2/3) |
No known Bloopers
#75 The Tiki Caves (3/3) |
1:52 |
When Mike is seen getting off the plane in Hawaii he has straight hair. In the remainder of the episode he is seen with extremely curly hair. (We learn in "Growing Up Brady" that its because of the humidity, but still bad editing.)
18:50 |
Bobby says, "Tooboo" instead of "Taboo".
#76 Today I am a Freshman |
8:36 |
Greg mentioned football practice. Wasn't he banned from playing after cracking a rib in "Click".
15:59 |
The girl with Marcia at the Clubs' Board is the same actress who was in charge of the Westdale Boosters (21:13).
#77 Cyrano De Brady |
** |
At the beginning of the episode Jan introduces Kerry Hathaway as a new friend who just moved into the neighborhood, but later (3:49) Jan and Marcia tell Peter to call Kerry because she is "in the book". (If she just moved into, how is she in the book?)
#78 Fright Night |
7:34 |
When Jan, Marcia and Cindy search the boys' room, Cindy finds the slide projector under Greg's bed. When Marcia holds up the transparency slide with the "ghost" image, the close-up of the slide presents two problems. First, the "ghost" is horizontal in the wide shots, but is vertical in the close-ups, and second, the fingers holding the slide in the close-up do not belong to Marcia.
#79 The Show Must Go On |
15:21 |
The "CLOSED" sign behind Sam in the butcher shop keeps alternating between being tilted to the left and tilted to the right.
#80 Jan, the Only Child |
20:20 |
While the kids are practicing the potato sack race as Jan watches from the sidelines, Marcia steps into her sack and hops away. There is a large color image on the front of the sack, but when she reaches Peter, then turns and heads back the image has vanished - it's not on either side, then it reappears when she's back with Bobby.
20:43 |
Additionally, when Cindy hops in the sack that Greg was in, the sack is ripped at the bottom and Cindy's feet are on the grass, but when Cindy reaches Peter the bottom of her sack is perfectly intact.
#81 Career Fever |
No known Bloopers
#82 Goodbye Alice, Hello |
1:13 |
Greg is wearing dark dress shoes when he comes into the yard from playing football with Peter. When they enter the kitchen, Greg is wearing white sneakers. When Greg enters the living room shortly afterwards, he is wearing the dark dress shoes again.
#83 Greg's Triangle |
2:58 |
Jennifer writes her phone number on Greg's right hand with the first number starting at his thumb. But when Greg looks at his hand to read the phone number later, the phone number was written with the first number near his fingers and the last number written by his thumb.
#84 Everybody Can't be a George Washington |
No known Bloopers
#85 Love & the Older Man |
** |
First, Dr. Vogel tells Mike he has a three-year old, then later Jan tells Marcia that he has children (plural).
#86 Law & Disorder |
16:47 |
Extra garbage and box in front of fireplace comes and goes. It also appears the fireplace is on the other side of the room.
#86 Law & Disorder |
1:59 |
Greg knocks over the trips over his bicycle pump. (We learn from "Growing Up Brady" that Barry was high from having smoked marijuana prior to filming this scene.)
#87 Greg Gets Grounded |
No known Bloopers
#88 Amateur Night |
11:20 |
When the kids practice for a talent show, Marcia says, "C'mon Chris!".
#89 Bobby's Hero |
No known Bloopers
#90 The Subject was Noses |
9:12 |
Doug Simpson is wearing the same blue sweater as Greg wore in "Law & Disorder" and later in this episode (20:52).
10:41 |
Mike & Carol's clothes change (11:37).
#91 How to Succeed in Business |
No known Bloopers
#92 The Great Earring Caper |
12:43 |
During the kids' ping pong game in the backyard, there is something white near Jan's feet that appears to be a spare ball. But in the very next shot, it's gone.
#93 You're Never too Old |
No known Bloopers
#94 You Can't Win Em All |
1:37 |
At the start, when Cindy walks into the kitchen she sets her books down on the counter with the book's binding facing the sink, but in the closeup the book's binding now faces the opposite way, toward the stove. Additionally, notice that you can see eggs in the grocery bag on the counter that mysteriously disappear.
14:20 |
The dress in Cindy's arms turns around from one shot to the next; first the back is facing outward, then the front is.
#95 A Room at the Top |
No known Bloopers
SEASON 5 (1973-1974)
#96 Adios, Johnny Bravo |
8:28 |
Greg is getting ready to leave for his appointment with the music agent and he has on a blue checkered shirt and dark blue jeans. In the next scene, where he is with the music agent (same day) his clothes have changed to a light blue shirt and light blue jeans.
#97 Mail Order Hero |
2:23 |
Bobby is having a dream about playing football with Joe Namath in his backyard. Joe Namath throws the football to him and Bobby jumps really really high in the air to catch the football. Watch CAREFULLY, as he is jumping you can see the safety string/harness tied to the back of his football uniform as the crew is pulling him off the ground.
3:22 |
Bobby and his friends are taking a drink from the hose, watch CAREFULLY as all of the kids take their drink. The last kid gets his drink (I forget his name but he is African American). You can see that his lips don't even come close to touching the stream of water coming out of the hose. Then he pulls away from the hose acting like the water tasted really good.
4:04 |
When Cindy walks out to the back yard, notice that she's holding something. She then looks at Bobby and then the scene cuts back, and she is no longer carrying anything.
#98 Snow White & the 7 Bradys |
14:16 |
Watch when they pull up to the store and Mike walks inside. When he opens the door to the store, you can see through the crack that the inside is completely dark. Even on the outside of the "store", there is black paper covering the entire windows. You can tell that the "store" is just a fake prop, probably an abandoned building that they dressed up to look like a store.
21:53 |
When Mike rides up on stage he points to the damsel in distress with his right arm extended, but in the closeup it's his left arm extended.
22:28 |
During the play, Mike's "Prince Charming" hat disappears and then reappears when he leans over to kiss Carol
#99 Never Too Young |
12:34 |
Bobby shows up at Millicent's door to kiss her again, you can see the microphone in the bushes at the bottom left of the screen.
#100 Peter and the Wolf |
1:51 |
When Sandra (Greg's date) stops him at school, she tells him she needs to break their date for "Saturday" night because her cousin Linda is in town. Yet, later (3:49) when Greg calls his friend Fred to get him to be Linda's blind date, he asks him what he is doing "Friday" night.
#101 Getting Greg's Goat |
22:20 |
During the goat in the master bedroom scene, the flowers on Carol's side of the bed change during the scene. At first there is a pink flower to the right of a white flower, and then it changes to white flower on right of the pink one. In addition, the whole bouquet looks slightly different in different shots.
#102 Marcia Gets Creamed |
9:01 |
Alice walks into the ice cream store with Bobby and Cindy to get them ice cream cones. The manager, Mr. Haskell, offers Alice a sundae and he sprays on the whipped cream. In one shot the can of whipped cream is in his hand and then all of a sudden it is gone.
#103 My Brother's Keeper |
2:02 |
Near the beginning, Greg is painting a shutter green, he gets a phone call and goes inside. The paint bucket falls on Bobby because the ladder falls. Later (2:47), Greg sticks his head out the window and asks who took his ladder. The shutter has no paint on it.
21:13 |
In the scene where Bobby is locked in the closet you can see robes hanging on the wall next to him (inside the closet). (22:45) Then, when Peter comes and puts the doorknob back in and opens the closet door, there are no longer robes hanging on the wall inside the closet.
#104 Quarterback Sneak |
3:23 |
When the boys are playing football in "Quarterback Sneak," a tile of astroturf comes loose. Greg rips up a panel of it when he plants his foot.
#105 Try, Try Again |
6:15 |
In the kitchen when Jan announces that she took up tap dancing, Mike's first button goes from buttoned to unbuttoned a few times during the scene.
#106 The Cincinnati Kids |
5:27 |
Watch when the family splits up to go on different rides: Greg is with Peter and Mike (at the arcade); Marcia with Jan; Bobby with Cindy are together; and Carol with Alice are together. If you look closely, Peter is sitting between Carol and Alice on the water log ride, yet in the next shot, Peter is back with Mike and Greg at the arcade.
21:55 |
After they have found the Yogi Bear poster and each family member is taking turns running to Mike, it is sunny (in fact, its sunny the whole episode). Even when Carol has the poster and is running towards Mike it is sunny, but when they cut to a shot of Mr. Brady walking out of the building it is raining.
8:48 |
At the beginning of the episode, some of the family take a ride on the roller coaster. Jan and Bobby are in the front seat, Carol and Alice behind them and Greg and Marcia behind them. At the end of the show when Mike gets his sketches back, he suggests a ride on the roller coaster. They then show a clip of the family on the roller coaster, it is the SAME clip as at the beginning of the show (22:50).
When Carol finally catches up with Mike after all the switch offs to get his sketches to him before Mr. Remington had to catch a plane. The ground was wet, I’m thinking maybe from sprinklers on the lawn next to them, but it was NOT raining!
#107 The Elopement |
No known Bloopers
#108 Miss Popularity |
No known Bloopers
#109 Kelly's Kids |
1:28 |
Mr. & Mrs. Kelly are seated a couple of feet apart in the wide shots, but are right beside one anoother (arms touching) in the close-ups.
#110 The Driver's Seat |
No known Bloopers
#111 Out of this World |
No known Bloopers
#112 Welcome Aboard |
21:52 |
During the filming-scene near the end of the episode, Bobby's hat transitions from being in his hands to back on his head.
#113 Two Pete's in a Pod |
No known Bloopers
#114 Top Secret |
6:07 |
Sam comes over to the house to ask Mike an important question. Alice, Carol and Marcia jump to the conclusion he's going to propose to Alice. Marcia is wearing one outfit in the kitchen, (8:35) then runs upstairs to tell Jan & Cindy the news in a completely different outfit.
14:43 |
The amount of talcum powder in Bobby and Oliver's hair increases/decreases from one shot to the next.
#115 The Snooperstar |
3:25 |
Cindy is talking to Oliver. The doorway from the boys room to the bathroom is missing.
#116 The Hustler |
No known Bloopers
#117 The Hair Brained Scheme |
No known Bloopers
** |
The house in Studio City that was used for the front exterior shots was a split-level ranch. A window was held in place on the left side of the front to simulate a second-story.
** |
The interior shots that are shown, the viewers are led to believe that the house is a two-story house and that the second-story is on the right-side of the house.
6:59 |
In "Our Son the Man," Mike suggests that the attic is only a crawl space, That would be great if Greg were two and half feet tall.
** |
Later, the attic is seen many times from "Room at the Top" onward in seasons 4 and 5 with a much higher ceiling. (Additionally, it is seen earlier in "Jan's Aunt Jenny" when the family is cleaning out the attic).
11:27 |
In "Mail Order Hero", no window is seen in the girls' bedroom when Cindy gets out of bed to write the letter to Joe Namath.
21:06 |
However, in "Lost Locket, Found Locket" (as well as many other episodes) the girls' bedroom has a window beside Jan's bed.
11:57 |
Note in "To Move or Not to Move," Alice says that the house doesn't have any shutters when they are hearing scary noises.
16:22 |
In later episodes, Mike works on shutters in "What Goes Up",
1:40 |
Greg works on shutters in "Big, Little Man," and
1:12 |
Greg paints the shutters in "My Borther's Keeper".
10:25 |
Mike's middle name, "Paul," is used during the wedding ceremoney in "The Honeymoon".
38:55 |
Later in "The Bradys" (1990) series his middle name is "Thomas". Peter announces him as winner of the Councilman election as "Michael Thomas Brady" repeats it again at (39:53).
1:09 |
In "Father of the Year", Marcia needs help with her math homework and she wants Mike to help her. Carol offers to help her and Marcia says "Mother, it's math!", suggesting that Carol lacks math skills.
7:02 |
In "Alice Dosen't Live Here Anymore", Alice offers to help Greg with his math homework and he shakes his head and tells her, "Mom is a whiz at this stuff".
19:28 |
In "Vote for Brady", Carol tells Marcia that there is paint in the garage next to her old golf clubs (leading viewers to conclude she knows how to play).
5:37 |
However, in "Greg's Triangle", Carol says she could take a lesson or two and learn to play golf (throughout the episode she is seen as having very little knowledge of how to play)
12:08 |
Note the movie they are watching in "Peter & the Wolf".
21:29 |
"Greg Gets Grounded", and
17:32 |
"The Big Bet". Each time they show the same clip from the same movie.
20:45 |
Same footage of Alice giving Tiger a bath is used in "Katchoo", and
4:05 |
"54-40 and Fight" ... some different audio is added to "54-40 and Fight".
** |
In "To Move or Not to Move" Alice is terrified of all the scaring noises.
11:46 |
In "Fright Night" she says she isn't afraid of anything.
** |
In "You Can't Win Em All" the kids school is referred to as "Clinton Avenue Grammar School".
** |
However, throughout the rest of the series as seen in "Law & Disorder" it is referred to as Clinton Avenue Elementary School.

(From 'The Brady Braves')